Speed of the Heartbeat
A tale from the past advises that dependant on the speed of babies heart rate tells you the sex of the baby. If is sounds like a train its a boy and if it sounds like horses its a girl.
In Front of you Or All Around?
In Front of you Or All Around?
Apparently this tale says you can tell the gender of your child based upon where the bump is and how you are “carrying” the baby. If you put on weight and grow all over, your child is apparently a girl. If your weight gain and fill is in front, it’s a boy. Interestingly this was not the case for me….and have heard people say it’s the other way round!
Feeling sick in the morning ?
Feeling sick in the morning ?
According to this myth apparently if you have ‘severe’ morning sickness you are carrying a girl. A number of mums advised that when they had extreme morning sickness it did indeed in most cases seem to be a girl.
Most accurate for boy or girl
The most accurate method of all was one lady advised here method of telling if the baby was a boy or a girl was almost 100% accurate…I asked for more information. It turned out she was a midwife and the ‘tool’ she used was called Ultrasound….ha ha very funny !
Lots of hair
This tale advises if you have heartburn your baby will have lots of newborn hair. This was certainly true for me.
This tale advises if you have heartburn your baby will have lots of newborn hair. This was certainly true for me.
Wedding Ring and hair
One tale advises if you suspend your wedding ring over the bump via a piece of your hair, dependent on the direction it spun indicated the sex of the baby. Other variations of this being a chain with a pendant
One tale advises if you suspend your wedding ring over the bump via a piece of your hair, dependent on the direction it spun indicated the sex of the baby. Other variations of this being a chain with a pendant
In summary, the myths seem to provide a wide range of ideas but in reality I think it’s a fifty fifty chance of getting it right. Even so, it’s a bit of fun while waiting for the date.
In summary, the myths seem to provide a wide range of ideas but in reality I think it’s a fifty fifty chance of getting it right. Even so, it’s a bit of fun while waiting for the date.
4little1s.com is an online nursery furniture, nursery bedding and baby gifts retailer and can be found at http://www.4little1s.com/