Friday, 20 February 2009

The Nappy Recycling Centre

Nappy recycling Centres

Disposable nappies could still be in a landfill site 50 – 100 years from now…..

I read an interesting article today about the fact that on average, 1 baby uses 5 nappies a day, which equates to 1825 per year. If you put the number of babies in the UK together this comes in at an amazing 500,000 tonnes of waste…that’s a lot of landfill space !

However, the article goes onto say that a scheme in Birmingham is being set up for £12m with a company called Knowaste (Canadian company) and would be able to ‘process’ 36,000 tonnes a year. The plastic would be used from everything from roof tiles, cladding to bike helmets and is planned to be up and running by 2011, and some of the gas would be extracted and sold to the gas grid….(does that mean lower gas bills ? as our has gone through the roof over the last 12 months!). With the figure at approx 3600 nappies before a baby masters the tricky art of the potty some parents at the back of their mind have a bit of a guilt trip when they gone into the bin and are collected.

The plan is to set a number of these centres up in London, Manchester, Liverpool and other locations by 2014 which should dramatically reduce the load on landfill sites. Knowaste have already set these plants up in Netherlands and Canada to try to reduce the load on landfill sites by up top four percent.

Other uses for the fibres could be plant pots and improvements in sewage works treatments.

The planners at Birmingham City council were thought to be happy as it would create another 12 fulltime jobs. It is thought that collections will be at commercial premises such as nurseries etc to begin with, but with collections at the kerb planned for the future provides a full range of Izziwotnot nursery furniture ready to be delivered to you in time for baby....

We also stock Humphrey’s Lottie Fairy Princess and Humphrey’s Little Red CarNursery furniture and baby bedding from