Sunday, 10 August 2008

Babies development for the first 12 months

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Description: Baby gifts website goes through the first twelve months of your babies’ development after birth

Speaking from experience here with two children, these are some of the phases our babies went through over the first year. These stages are not written in stone as all babies are different and these notes are only as a general guideline. Hopefully friends, family and work collegues have sent you new baby gifts, baby hampers, baby bouquets etc and you now have your nursery ready to go.

Month one: Baby has just arrived and starts to experiment with reflex and walking movements. Putting the babies feet on the ground will usually prompt a walking type of motion, amazing really. Mostly babies hands are closed but putting your little finger in babies hand will usually cause a grasping and holding motion. Baby will watch you when you talk and also try to imitate your facial expression. When baby cries, it’s a sign that baby is in need of something and letting you know. Baby will recognize you by your smell.

Month two: Babies eyes start to focus better and can recognize you by sight, legs and arms start to kick when baby gets excited, this is movement preparation for walking. Baby sounds such as gurgling and cooing starts and smiling when awake begins. While doing one of the many nappy changes, give baby some ‘time out’ of them to explore and feel the air on the skin that is normally covered up. Keeping baby stimulated is important, so sing, talk and carry baby as well as showing baby different scenery.

Month three: Baby will enjoy splashing in the bath and you may well hear the first laugh and see the first broad smile as the month nears the end. Female voices appear to get more of response than the lower tones of the male voice. As your babies muscles develop you might see baby hold his / her head up for a short time. Talk to baby and have a one to one conversation, even if the response to your questions are a gurgle. Holding baby up and putting feet on the floor to get used to the feel helps. Baby will try to copy your mouth shapes and movements and be responsive to noise. You will start to notice baby will have different cries depending on what they need.

Month four: Baby now likes to play and reach / grab for items, anything bright is attractive and baby loves to put them in their mouths. Babies hands are open and very curious about everything. Baby will probably smile at you as a mechanism to get a response. Toys are a fascination, particularly bright colored and anything with different texture. See our baby toys range at our website under the Toys and mobiles section.

Month five: Baby grabs and holds onto things, but usually without the thumb. Babies head can be held and sometimes pushes into the sitting position. Muscles are strengthening and might start to be clingy. Hand / eye coordination develops as does the ability to grasp toys and other things. Some of our baby toy ranges are excellent to help baby with playing, bright colours and some with noises all help baby develop

Month six: Start to think about moving to solids / liquid foods…. this is where the fun begins ! Baby may become frustrated with communication to you, baby will say gaggy goo goo and might not understand that you don’t know that means ‘I am thirsty, can you get me one ‘! Baby will be conscious of new people and may miss you when you are not around. Using objects such as low level coffee tables, chairs etc maybe used to pull baby up and also the understanding if you drop a toy it will be on the floor.

Month seven: Try giving baby a pea to eat, most will probably end up in babies hair, face or on the floor etc, but its good for baby to hold food. Larger toys suddenly become more interesting as they can be held with both hands and balance improving all the time. Baby may start to understand and recognize names.

Month eight: If baby starts to crawl now, make sure low lying items and things that break are out of range ! Baby may grab them and see what happens when you throw or bang it on the floor. Baby is still wary of new people and needs lots of cuddles and affection to feel safe and secure.

Month nine: Play games with baby and sing songs, baby will love it. While still wary of strangers baby will recognize places and people much more. Names of people may also be familiar at this stage and the first word may not be too far away. Note: Do not worry about this if it does not happen at this stage, all babies are unique and develop at their own pace.

Month ten: Baby will really enjoy playgroups or other situations where there are other babies around. Baby will inform you when its time for something to eat by behavior such as spoon or toy banging ! Keep baby stimulated by talking and singing to baby as well as pointing to objects you are talking about.

Month eleven: Baby will be responsive to moods and your feelings, usually tugging at your clothes when needing to be picked up. Baby will be anxious when you are not around. A blanket, favorite toy become extremely important by way of comfort. See our range of soft toys and snuggles for ideas. Baby will want things around that are familiar.

Month twelve: Having other babies around is important and builds on the social skills. Baby will be able to point at an object and show you things. Baby may be able to feed himself / herself without ‘too much mess’ and hold objects like forks and spoons. Lots of encouragement is key at this stage as baby has now completed the first 12 months.

Terms: is a leading online baby gifts, baby slings, Swaddle Pods, baby clothes, baby hampers and Izziwotnot Nursery furniture retailer. See our unique childrens wall plaques baby gifts in the Handmade for you range for something really special. For all your baby gift needs and items for the early years, visit
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