Here at we are planning to have an Executive week away, (week in Devon with the kids in a caravan) to think about strategy, (sleeping in late) aggressive and lengthy brainstorming sessions, (deciding if to eat in or out) and blue sky thinking (hope the weather is good).
It is always important in any business to take a step back,(chill out and not rush around so much) and take the Helicopter view, (think the caravan is on a hill) in order to pick low hanging fruit, (think there is an Orchard nearby, failing that a trip to buy some grapes from the local supermarket) and assess the options of going back to basics, (No luxury Gordon Ramsey kitchen here, good old gas stove to heat the beans up).
In order to get up to speed, (must ensure we don’t drive to fast and break the speed limit) and assess our options, (Beach or Park) we need to take a snapshot of the situation, (remember to take the camera, and not the rubbish one on the phone).
Items on the agenda include, can we hit the ground running ? (I can feel a game of rounders on the beach coming) and reviewing our speed to market, (might need a new PC). Finally reviewing our Market share, (wonder who drives the most there and back) and targeting the market, (must pack the Velcro dart board with the sticky balls).
As you can see by being a fly on the wall, (flies in caravan seem to sound louder) it will be an exhausting session full of workshops and brainstorming is a leading nursery furniture and baby bedding retailer also providing a wide range of soft like Deglingos as well as wooden toys. Visit us at