Monday 28 September 2009

Deglingos Shinanegans

Deglingos Shinanegans

OK so its Monday afternoon and having just had some lunch am feeling kinda sleepy but thought I should do a quick write up on the fun and qwirky soft toys we stock called Deglingos. Its all an bit silly so if you are of the 'sensible' type, suggest switching off now. Thought I would address a few Deglingos questions that are doing the rounds at the how do you say it ? What are they, Where do they come from ? Do they speak or something ? errrrr I just don't get it you are off your rocker! etc etc etc.


LOL - OK so first off, how do you say Deglingos ? Well that's pretty easy as the best way is to say it as follows: DE-GLING-GOES its as simple as that. Some people spell it Deglingoes (with an e) which is fine, but the totally correct way is Deglingos. In fact most of them don't care and even if you say it to their faces they don't mind...well apart from Big Bos that is ! The next question we get alot about Deglingos is about the language of the Deglingos. Well they all have a great and unique language which involves them adding the letters OS to the end of every word. (Pinch = pinchos, Fantastic = fantasticos, ultimate = ultimos as an example of a few words). While they don't ACTUALLY speak and make a sound as such, you can imagine each one describing himself / herself just based on their look and what they wear.


Where do Deglingos come from ? - Well this is pretty easy to answer, a far far away land called Deglingosland, where few people have been there due to the huge mountains, purple trees and red grass surrounding the land and also the very dangerous blue cows protecting it.

There are many different characters to see and each one very unique...there are even baby Deglingos and grown up Deglingos. A few of the well known names include, Big Bos the Wolf, Ratos the Rat, Molos the Lobster, Lapinos the rabbit, Poilodos, Mikos, Chikos, Ronronos, Nonos......each one is an animal and goes by their full name. So Ratos the Rat becomes, Deglingos - Ratos the Rat, Pikos becomes Deglingos - Pikos the Hedgehog and so on.

We have rabbits, Chickens, Dogs, Cats, Wolf, Hedgehog, Lobster and even Rats ! There are other animals a coming so stay tuned.


My all-time favourite Deglingos is an animal called Big Bos, Deglingos Big Bos. In fact I have put a couple of youtube videos up about him (and the others as well as I didn't want to upset them).

Look out for the Pikos scrunchy toys as well...something a little different but rest assured little baby will love this one and probably end up chewing it. All the Deglingos are made from very soft and safe material, with the 'baby' range made from extra soft and furry material.

Anyway, less chit chat and lets get down to brass tacks as they say.... if you want to buy Deglingos please visit and click on Toys and mobiles section of the website and you find them there. Hurry though as we sell out of Deglingos pretty quick due to them being very unusual and unique for baby gifts and grown up gifts alike.