Monday 20 August 2012

Baby Items for Little Ones.......

Baby Items for little ones….

So having discovered you are pregnant, the next step consists of checking out all the various items you may need for the journey ahead. There are so many items to consider and the nursery is certainly one of those areas you should take a little time to investigate and research further.
Typically the Cot or Cotbed is one of the most defining and central item that is purchased for a nursery…but what are the differences between a cot and a cotbed ? There are a number of pros and cons like most things and budget is always a consideration.
Cotbeds as the name implies turns into a bed once your little one has outgrown the cot. This offers a very practical and seamless hassle free approach of the next stage of your little ones journey as they grow up. While typically more expense as there are more parts to a cotbed than a cot, it means you don’t have the extra burden of then deciding what to do with the piece of furniture that is no longer needed as well as not having to look for another purchase of a bed.
Quick tip: When you purchase a cot or a cot bed from a retailer, many offer an assembly service that allows you to put your feet up while the professionals put it up for you and take away the packaging….well worth the extra few pounds.
Baby bedding is another area worthy of spending a little time working out what to do. You don’t need to follow convention in terms of colours for nursery bedding , i.e. Pink for girls and blue for boys. There are so many sets of baby and children bedding that offers some great colours and patterns such as yellows, greens and multi coloured ones. Brand names such as Izziwotnot, Bedebyes, Lollipop Lane all have great selections and well worth a look.
If you would like to be truly unique and have a set of bedding that it is unlikely your friends have, consider the Ella and Otto range of baby bedding. Truly magnificent and a real treat for any aspiring designer.
Another favorite of baby bedding is the range called Time to Play from Izziwotnot, a set that can be seen on the website and is a lovely cream animal theme. We especially love the sleep suits in this range and they come in two sizes, 0-6 and 6- 12 months. Think about when you little bundle of joy will be arriving and what season will it be. This will help you decide of the material Tog rating you should go for. Usually the Tog rating are around 1 tog and 2.5 tog……(2.5 is thicker and therefore warmer for your little one)
So what items are included in a baby bedding set if you are looking to achieve the coordinated design for you littler ones nursery ? Well, below is a list of items that we hope will give you an idea.
  • Cot bumpers 
  • Cot Quilts 
  • Sheets 
  • Cot Blankets 
  • Sleepsuits  
It is worth looking out for something called a bedding bale to get your bedding collection started. These are usually a collection of 4 or 5bedding items wrapped up into a neat bale. Baby bedding bales usually are cheaper than buying each bedding item individually.
  • Cushions / scatter cushions 
  • Matching curtains and curtain ties backs 
  • Lampshade 
  • Light switch fittings 
  • Matching canvas art 
  • Soft toys (ideally in the theme of you bedding design) 
  • Moses baskets
 Visit today and grab yourself a bargain.....