Wednesday 18 January 2012

Nursery Style Ideas

Adding more Style to your Little Ones Nursery

Extending the theme outwards from just coordinated baby bedding and matching bedding items when looking to make your nursery more fun, how about thinking outside of the box a little with some of these ideas to liven up your little ones nursery:

Transfers – It is possible to get colour stickers or transfers that you can stick onto the nursery wall ranging from fun jungle themes and animals to some of the more favorite and recognizable characters such as the Grufallo.

Drawing – Depending on your artistic ability, why not sketch freehand a fun picture or landscape out on the wall and the paint it. This works especially well with beach and water type themes.

Pictures – Well as simple as the suggestion is, why not buy some canvass prints that are usually great value and if you shop around you can even get matching baby canvas art that goes with your baby bedding to achieve the ‘co ordinate bedding theme’ so often mentioned.

Wallpaper borders – Rolls of wallpaper borders are usually strips of wallpaper (sometimes self adhesive) that you can run around the middle, bottom or top of your wall that saves you having to wallpaper the whole room. Again, like the canvas art, you can buy matching wallpaper borders that go with your baby bedding (and canvas art for that matter)

Take at look at the website where you can find these and other ideas to add the final finishing touches to your little ones nursery.