Tuesday 31 January 2012

Endless Baby Advice…

Endless Advice

Once you have announced that your are pregnant, it seems like everyone is an instant expert, even people you don't even know! All parting their piece of crucial advice as to what you should do, do not or avoid. The most popular piece of advice usually starting….'When I was pregnant………..' Prepare to be 'observed' and 'commented' on from now on. Remember everyone is different so take with a pinch of salt the comments about ' Oh you must ensure xyz as it was really bad for them while they were pregnant'

How do I dealing with anxiety ?

Having a baby isn't without its challenges, so you're bound to have some concerns, questions and anxieties about the future and about your and your baby's health. This makes you especially vulnerable to the negative effects of other people's opinions and experiences.
Here are a few strategies to help out:

- Take deep breathes and relax
- Say thank you to people for their concern - then carry on as you were
- Keep yourself up to date and informed of what's available- use a reliable and trusted sources
- Know yourself and speak your mind - if you're tired of other people's opinions, remind them that you can make up your mind
- Mix with people you can rely on not to bother you - other parents at your antenatal class, for example
- Talk with your partner - you can reassure each other
- See the funny side - interpret people's concern as interest rather than interference, and try to enjoy being the centre of attention
- Remember we are all different - What worked for one person doesn't always work for another person
- Check the source
- Does it sound plausible …sanity check what someone is saying to you?

Checking information

As always number one point has to be check the validity with your GP or Midwife
Look at the source of information. All good journalists check the source and so should you. Is it a trusted and valid source, do they have something to gain from providing you the advice? Are they selling something for example ?
Ask a family member you trust for their opinion on it
Ask a close friend or your partner
Contact the Antenatal clinic - they are there to help


All content within the 4little1s.com
baby website is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. 4little1s.com are not responsible or liable for any diagnosis made by a user based on the content of the 4little1s.com website. Always consult your own GP if you're in any way concerned about your health.