Thursday 23 June 2011

Beautiful Baby Hampers

Baby Gift Baskets and Baby Bouquets

Sometimes called baby gift baskets or just gift baskets. Many hospital do not allow you to send fresh flowers to the maternity ward, so buying a baby hamper makes great sense all round. Not only are they great looking as a superb baby gift, they provide baby clothes for the new baby for the first few months. Typically baby hampers contain baby clothes such as hats, vests, mits, bibs etc....all good quality and practical from day one. Each baby hampers is professionally presented with a see through cover and presented in a rush / reed basket.

When would you buy a baby hamper ?

Leaving work - If you have been the 'lucky one' to do the office collection, the envelope is back on your desk and the card all duly signed with messages of good luck and congratulations. Now it's the time to look on line to see what's available on line at the myriad of baby websites.  Look here at these baby hampers as there is a great selection and saves time. 

Of course as an employer.....what better way to show you are a caring, thoughtful and great to work for company.....why wouldn't you want to splash out a little on a baby hamper ?

Baby Shower - If you have been invited to a baby shower, baby hampers or baby bouquets make excellent gifts that will be sure to be one of the remembered and actually used ones....

Family or friends - Family and friends will always want to say well done as much as they can. These baby hampers and baby bouquets offer the chance to do just that !

Visit us here to see our range: BABY HAMPERS